

· (2001-2005) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the University of

· (2002-2005) Lecturer in the Department of International Economic Relations and
Development, Demokritos University of Thrace

· (2004-2006) in the Department of Balkan and Slavonic Studies, University of Macedonia,
Thessaloniki, Greece

· (2004-2007) the department of Marketing and Operations Management, University of
Macedonia, Edessa, Greece

· (2005- TODAY) Hellenic Open University of Patras, Postgraduate Master of Business
Administration, and Undergraduate degree in BA, Greece

· (2007- TODAY) Assistant Professor, University of Macedonia, Department of
International and European Studies,

July 2012 Associate Professor, University of Macedonia, Department of International and
European Studies


2001 – 2002 (Fall Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module MANG 3311 – European Business Environment
(&Transition Economies) (1 semester – 12 weeks – 2 hours per week Χ 3 classes [BUSENG2a,
BUSENG2aa, BUSENG2ab] with 20-25 2nd year students each class – Total 70-75 students –
Total hours per week = 6)

2001 – 2002 (Spring Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module MANG 3308 – International Business (1 semester – 12
weeks – 3 hours per week – 1 class with 20 3rd year students)
2001 – 2002 (Spring Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module MANG 3311 – European Business Environment
(&Transition Economies) (1 semester – 12 weeks – 2 hours per week, 1 class with 30 3rd year

2002 – 2003 (Fall Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module MANG 3211 – European Business Environment &Transition
Economies (1 semester – 12 weeks – 2 hours per week, 3 classes with 20-25 2nd year
students in each class= total number of students 70-75, 6 hours per week)

2002 – 2003 (Fall Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module MANG 3308 – International Business (1 semester – 12
weeks – 3 hours per week – 2 classes with 22+20 3rd year students, 42 students in total, 6
hours in total)

2002 – 2003 (Spring Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module FIN 3804 – International Financial Management (1
semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week – 2 classes with 21+11 3rd year students, in total 32
students, 6 hours in total)

2003 – 2004 (Fall Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module MANG 3211 – European Business Environment &Transition
Economies (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week – 4 classes with 20 students each one,
in total 80 students, 12 hours per week – in total)

2003 – 2004 (Spring Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module FIN 3804 – International Financial Management (1
semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week – 1 class with 18 3rd year students)

2004 – 2005 (Fall Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module MANG 3211 – European Business Environment &Transition
Economies (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week – 4 classes with 23 students each one,
in total 92 students, 12 hours per week – in total)

2004 – 2005 (Spring Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the module FIN 3804 – International Financial Management (1
semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week – 1 class with 22 3rd year students)


2001 – 2002 (Spring Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department
of International Economic Relations and Development, Demokritos University of Thrace in the
module “Inter-Balkan Economic Relations before and after 1989”
(3rd year) 89 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 6 hours per week).

2002 – 2003 (Fall Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, Demokritos University of Thrace in the
module “Economic History of Greece and other Balkan Countries”
(1st year) 80 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2002 – 2003 (Spring Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department
of International Economic Relations and Development, Demokritos University of Thrace in the
module “Inter-Balkan Economic Relations before and after 1989”
(3rd year) 96 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 6 hours per week).

2003 – 2004 (Fall Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, Demokritos University of Thrace in the
module “Economic History of Greece and other Balkan Countries”
(1st year) 100 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2003 – 2004 (Spring Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department
of International Economic Relations and Development, Demokritos University of Thrace in the
module “Inter-Balkan Economic Relations before and after 1989”
(3rd year) 120 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 6 hours per week).

2004 – 2005 (Fall Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the department of
Marketing and Operations Management, University of Macedonia, Edessa, Greece in the
module “Microeconomics”
(1st year) 65 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2004 – 2005 (Fall Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, Demokritos University of Thrace in the
module “Economic History of Greece and other Balkan Countries”
(1st year) 120 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2004 – 2005 (Spring Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the department
of Marketing and Operations Management, University of Macedonia, Edessa, Greece in the
module “Macroeconomics”
(1st year) 65 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2004 – 2005 (Spring Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department
of International Economic Relations and Development, Demokritos University of Thrace in the
module “Inter-Balkan Economic Relations before and after 1989”
(3rd year) 85 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 6 hours per week).

2004 – 2005 (Spring Semester) Lecturer under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of Balkan
and Slavonic Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece in the module “Private
Economics and Introduction in Management”
(2nd & 3rd years) 135 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2005 – 2006 (Fall Semester) Lecturer under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the department of Marketing
and Operations Management, University of Macedonia, Edessa, Greece in the module
(1st year) 65 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2005 – 2006 (Spring Semester) Lecturer under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,
Greece in the modules
a) “Macroeconomics II”
(2rd year) 250 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).
b) “Economic Integration”
(4th year) 75 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).
c) “Macroeconomics in Open Economies”
(4th year) 75 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2005 – 2006 (Spring Semester) Lecturer under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the department of
Marketing and Operations Management, University of Macedonia, Edessa, Greece in the
module “Macroeconomics”
(1st year) 65 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2006 – 2007 (Fall Semester) Assistant Professor under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,
Greece in the modules:
a) “Global Economic System”
(3rd year) 32 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).
b) “Economic Relations in the South East Europe”
(3rd year) 100 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2006 – 2007 (Spring Semester) Co-Lecturer under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the department of
Marketing and Operations Management, University of Macedonia, Edessa, Greece in the
a) “Microeconomics”
(1st year) 65 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).
b) European Union in the Global System (POSTGRADUATE)
(2nd year) 33 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2006 – 2007 (Spring Semester) Lecturer under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of Balkan
and Slavonic Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece in the module “Private
Economics and Introduction in Management”
(2nd year) 75 students (1 semester – 12 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2007 – 2008 (Fall Semester) Assistant Professor (DEP) in the Department of International
Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece in the
a) “Global Economic System”
(3rd year) 50 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).
b) “Economic Relations in the South East Europe”
(3rd year) 100 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).
c) “European Union in the Global System” (POSTGRADUATE)
(2nd year) 23 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).
d) “Macroeconomics”
(1st year) 150 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2007 – 2008 (Spring Semester) Assistant Professor (DEP) in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,
Greece in the modules:
a) “International Trade”
(4th year) 80 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).
b) “Economics of Transition”
(4th year) 80 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2008 – 2009 (Fall Semester) Assistant Professor (DEP) in the Department of International
Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece in the
a) “Global Economic System”
(3rd year) 55 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).
b) “Economic Relations in the South East Europe”
(3rd year) 90 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).
c) “European Union in the Global System” (POSTGRADUATE)
(2nd year) 20 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).
d) “Comparative economic systems in South East Europe” (POSTGRADUATE IN ENGLISH
–Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia
(1st year) 20 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2008 – 2009 (Spring Semester) Assistant Professor (DEP) in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,
Greece in the modules:
a) “International Trade”
(4th year) (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).
b) “Economics of Transition”
(4th year) (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week).

ΕΝΟΤΗΤΑ ΜΒΑ50 Οικονομική για Διοικητικά Στελέχη (Economics for

• Διεθνές Οικονομικό Περιβάλλον (International Economic Environment)

• Οικονομική των Επιχειρήσεων (Managerial Economics)

• Οικονομικά των Ευρωπαϊκών Επιχειρήσεων (European Business)

2005 – 2006 (Fall Semester) Lecturer at City Liberal Studies Affiliated Institution of the
University of Sheffield in the MBA module: International Financial Management (1 class with 20
2nd year MBA students)

2005 – 2006 (Fall Semester) Lecturer at New York College in the MBA module: Global
Business (1 class with 8 1st year MBA students)

2005 – 2006 (Fall Semester) Lecturer at New York College in Skopje (FYROM) in the MBA
module: Global Business (1 class with 15 1st year MBA students)

2005– 2006 (Fall Semester) Guest Lecturer at City College in Belgrade (SERBIA) in the
MBA module: Current Management Issues with emphasis in International Business and
European Integration (2 classes with 20+15 1st year MBA students)

2006-7 & 2007-8 & 2008-9 Assistant Professor (DEP) “European Union in the Global
(2nd year) 20-25 students (1 semester – 13 weeks – 3 hours per week) per year (3 years in
Department of International Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia,
Thessaloniki, Greece

2005 – 2006 (Spring Semester) Co-Lecturer under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,
Greece in the module
“Economic and Political Integration”
(1st year) 30 students (1 semester – 4 weeks – 3 hours per week).

2006 – 2007 (Spring Semester) Co-Lecturer under Π.Δ, 407/80 in the Department of
International Economic Relations and Development, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,
Greece in the module
“Economic and Political Integration”
(1st year) 30 students (1 semester – 2 weeks – 3 hours per week).