

2010-12 Approached to write four FDI reports (IFDI and OFDI reports for Greece,
and IFDI and OFDI reports for Bulgaria) by Columbia University, USA

Editor-in-Chief: Karl P. Sauvant – The Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable
International Investment seeks to be a leading forum for discussion by scholars,
policy makers, development advocates and other stakeholders of issues related to
foreign direct investment (FDI) in the global economy, paying special attention to
the contribution of this investment to sustainable development. It promotes the
analysis of trends in FDI, the consequences of FDI for sustainable development and
the consideration of appropriate public polices for sustainable foreign direct
investment. Its objectives are to analyze important topical policy-oriented issues
related to FDI and develop and disseminate practical approaches and solutions to
increase the contribution of FDI to sustainable development. Drawing on its location
at Columbia University, it provides students with a challenging learning environment
and promotes teaching and learning about FDI worldwide.

2011-12 Aristidis Bitzenis Co-Editor together with Ioannis Papadopoulos &
Vasileios A. Vlachos The EU and the Greek Budgetary Crisis, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing Administration, UK, forthcoming 2012

2011-12 Aristidis Bitzenis Co-Editor together with Pyrros Papadimitriou &
Vasileios A. Vlachos Mergers and Acquisitions: The Pillar of Foreign Direct
Investment, Palgrave-Macmillan, USA August2012

2012 Approached to become a Guest Editor: Aristidis P. Bitzenis together with
Prof. Bruno S. Sergi and John Marangos – Special Issue: International Journal of
Trade and Global Markets Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, forthcoming 2012

2012 Approached to become a Guest Editor: Aristidis P. Bitzenis together with
John Marangos – Special Issue: East-West Journal of Economics and Business,
forthcoming 2012

2011 Approached to become a Guest Editor: Aristidis P. Bitzenis together with
Prof. Bruno S. Sergi – Special Issue: «FDI and management in SouthEast Europe»,
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Volume 4 – Issue 2
– 2011, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

2010 Approached to become a Guest Editor: Aristidis P. Bitzenis together with
Prof. Bruno S. Sergi – Special Issue: «SOME ISSUES CONCERNING EMERGING
ECONOMIES», International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies,
Vol. 3, No. 4, 2010, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

Οctober 2010 Στο 6ο international conference, το οποίο διοργανώθηκε από το
Global Academy of Business & Economic Research στις 17-19/10/2010 στην Νέα
Υόρκη, ΗΠΑ
το άρθρο με τίτλο The Economic Impact of Mergers & Acquisitions in Greece:
Lessons from a Comparative Analysis Regarding Western Economies των
Ioannis A. Tampakoudis, University of Macedonia, GREECE
Demetres N. Subeniotis, University of Macedonia, GREECE
Aristidis P. Bitzenis, University of Macedonia, GREECE
Βραβεύτηκε ως το καλύτερο άρθρο του συνεδρίου (Best Paper Award)

2010 Επιτροπή Ερευνών (αρ. συν. 122/16.07.2010)
χορήγησης Ερευνητικών Βραβείων & Επιχορηγήσεων έτους 2009 για το άρθρο
Bitzenis, A., & Szamosi, L.T. (2009). Entry modes and the determinants of Foreign
Direct Investment in a European Union accession country: The case of Albania.
Journal of East-West Business, 15, 189-209. (αρ. πρωτ. αίτησης 797/23.02.2010)
Ομάδα κατάταξης περιοδικού: Δ. Ποσό χρηματικής ενίσχυσης: 500.

2009 Επιτροπή Ερευνών (αρ. συν. 116/22.10.2009)
χορήγησης Ερευνητικών Βραβείων & Επιχορηγήσεων έτους 2008 Bitzenis, A. &
Marangos, J. (2008). The role of risk as an FDI barrier to entry during transition:
The case of Bulgaria. Journal of Economic Issues, 42, 499-508. Ομάδα κατάταξης
περιοδικού: Δ. Ποσό χρηματικής ενίσχυσης: 0. Η παραπάνω υποβληθείσα
δημοσίευση χαρακτηρίζεται στη βάση WoS ως ανακοίνωση σε συνέδριο
(proceedings paper) και σύμφωνα με τον όρο 6 της διαδικασίας χορήγησης
ερευνητικών βραβείων δεν υπάγεται στην κατηγορία των δημοσιεύσεων (ερευνητικά
άρθρα ή άρθρα επισκόπησης) που ενισχύονται χρηματικά

2007 Approached to write nine chapters together with J. Marangos regarding
Enterprise, Business, Private Sector, Money Laundering, Market Economy,
International Monetary Fund, Exchange Rates, Transitional Economies, and Trade
Bilateral in an encyclopaedia book (International Encyclopedia of the Social
Sciences, 2nd edition. 9 vols.) by Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA

August 2005 Appreciation Award, The Association for Evolutionary Economics
(AFEE), International Summer School on Institutional Economics, Theme:
“Institutional Economics in the 21st Century”, Date: August 10-14, 2005

July 2005 Outstanding Conference Participant, Business & Economics Society,
International Conference, Arizona, Flagstaff, USA

July 2004 Outstanding Conference Participant, Business & Economics Society,
International Conference, Rhodes, Greece

2004 Approached to write five chapters regarding FDI, Privatisation, immigration,
globalisation, and industry policy in an encyclopaedia book (International
Encyclopedia of Public Policy Governance in a Global Age).

2005 Approached to write one chapter regarding FDI in an encyclopaedia book
(Encyclopedia of Globalization, Trade & Investment Issues) by ABC-CLIO

2005 Approached by Deloitte Touche in order to write a research report for the
Bulgarian government

BOOK REVIEWS οι οποίες πραγματοποιήθηκαν για τις μονογραφίες μου

· –Book review of The Balkans: FDI and EU Accession, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, UK,
August (2009) in Economics, Management, and Financial Markets journal (USA)
Vol.4(3) p.1-3, Αddleton academic publishers • Νew Υork

· — Book review of The Balkans: FDI and EU Accession, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, UK ,
August (2009) in transformations in business & economics journal, Vol. 9, No 2
(20), 2010, p.178-179, Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Bruno S. Sergi, University of Messina,
Italy, Vilnius University, Brno University of Technology, University of Latvia.

· — Βιβλιοκριτική, στο περιοδικό Αγορά χωρίς σύνορα, επιμέλεια Χ. Τσαρδανίδης,
Τόμος 12, Τεύχος 4, Μάρτιος – Απρίλιος – Μάιος 2007, σελ. 459-460 για το βιβλίο
Μπιτζένης, Α. και Γ. Μαραγκός, (2007) Οικονομικά της Μετάβασης (2007 –
σελ.1-786, εκδόσεις Σταμούλης, Αθήνα)

· —Robert F. Miller, The Australian National University, in Slavonic and East
European Review, Vol. 89, No 1, January 2011, book review for The Balkans:
Foreign Direct Investment and EU Accession. Transition and Development. Ashgate