How to Download the Netscape

If you like to Download the Netscape 3 for Windows 3.1x:

    Get the file [FILE] n16e301.exe ...3,000,000 kb. It is a self-extracting file.

  1. 1st step Double click the file [n16e301.exe].

  2. 2nd step Follow the instructions choosing the product you want.

  3. 3rd step Click on the location nearest to you.

  4. 4th step [Save] the file to your disk (e.g Drive C:)

  5. 5th step In the [Program Manager], in the [Main Menu] you will find the [File Manager]. Choose Drive C: and double click the file n16e301.exe.

  6. 6th step Again, in the [File Manager], double Click the file [Setup.exe], and follow the instructions.

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